Arif Widiatmoko, Sinta Murlistyarini, Martina Rahmi


Pigmented basal cel carcinoma (BCC) is a rare variant of BCC with frequency 6% of total BCCs. The use of regional flaps like rotational flaps are very useful for excisional wound closure. Rotational flap has good vascularization and give relaxed skin tension line (RSTL) like scar on face.

Reported a pigmented basal cell carcinoma case in a 67 years old woman presented on her right cheek for 2 years. The dermatological examination revealed single ovoid hyperpigmented plaque with 2x1 cm in size presented in dextra infraorbital region. Surgical excision with 8 mm margin was performed under local anesthesia. The resultant defect was closed by rotational flap. Histopathology examination showed rounded nucleus cell, palisading of cells at the periphery, stroma retraction, and increased melanin pigment suggested pigmented basal cell carcinoma.Scar with good aesthetic outcome found in 4 weeks after excision.

Pigmented BCC is a subtype of nodular BCC that exhibits increased melanization. Surgical excision with wide margin often left big skin defect. Rotational flap is easy reconstruction option and gave good result to close skin defect appropriate with RSTL after excision procedure on face. 


Pigmented basal cell carcinoma; excision; rotation flap

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