Raynanda Kevin Alifiano, Sinta Murlistyarini, Sumarno S



This research aimed to compare the effectiveness, efficacy, and side effects of adapalene and tretinoin in patients with mild to moderate acne vulgaris. This research was conducted using the literature review method with the approach Systematic Literature Review (SLR) which will be summarized in the form of paper. Researchers collected articles using the keywords acne vulgaris, adapalene, and tretinoin adjusted for Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) and Boolean operators from four databases,PubMed,ScienceDirect,ClinicalTrials.govandWileyOnlineJournal.Asmanyas989journalswereobtainedand continuedwithaselectionusingtheinclusionandexclusioncriteriasetbytheresearcher.Afterthat,thereweresevenjournals that met the criteria therefore that they could be assessed by the quality of the journals using the Critical Appraisal Tools JBI and PICO framework. Researchers found that there was a comparison of the effectiveness of adapalene and tretinoin in the treatmentofacnevulgarisasevidencedfromfivejournalsthatdealtwiththereductioninthenumberofacnelesions,asthree journals stated that adapalene had greater efficacy than tretinoin. In addition, in causing side effects it was stated by all the seven journals that adapalene had lower side effects than tretinoin. Therefore, it is concluded that adapalene has greater efficacyandlowersideeffectsthantretinoin.Forward,researchersrecommendadapaleneasatopicalretinoiddrugofchoice in the treatment of mild to moderate acnevulgaris.


acne vulgaris; adapalene; tretinoin

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